+FOTOS Y VÍDEOS| Rebeldes sirios derribaron un avión de la Fuerza Aérea rusa y matan al piloto - Diario Informe
Diario Informe

Agencias AFP/EFE

Rebeldes sirios derribaron el sábado un avión ruso en la provincia de Idlib (noroeste) y mataron en un enfrentamiento a tiros al piloto, que había logrado saltar en paracaídas, indicaron el ejército ruso y la organización Observatorio sirio de Derechos Humanos (OSDH).

Al tocar tierra, el piloto fue rodeado por los rebeldes y utilizó su arma, y luego fue abatido, según esas fuentes.
“Un avión ruso Sujoi-25 se estrelló mientras volaba sobre la zona de distensión [militar] de Idlib. El piloto tuvo tiempo de anunciar que se había eyectado en la zona, bajo control de combatientes del Frente Al Nosra. El piloto murió mientras combatía contra los terroristas” precisó el ministerio ruso de Defensa mediante un comunicado.

“El piloto murió mientras peleaba con rebeldes islamistas que habían derribado su avión y que lo iban a capturar” indicó por su parte el OSDH, que cuenta con sus propias fuentes en Siria.

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma'saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma’saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma'saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma’saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma'saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma’saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma'saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma’saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD


Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma'saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- People walk amidst the rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma’saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- The rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma'saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD

Saraqb (Syrian Arab Republic), 03/02/2018.- The rubble of the Russian Sukhoi Su-25 fighter jet scattered on the ground, in Ma’saran village near Saraqeb city, in Eastern Idlib countryside, Syria, 03 February 2018. According to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, Rebel fighters shot down the Russian warplane and captured the pilot, who was later killed after he fought the rebels. The Syrian government launched a military operation to regain control over Idlib from in December 2017 with support of Russian warplanes. (Siria, Rusia) EFE/EPA/ABDALLA SAAD