Conoce algunas de las imágenes curiosas que se encuentran en la red - Diario Informe
Diario Informe
Entretenimiento Curiosidades

800 Noticias

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Mohammed Saleem, a snake catcher commonly known as Saleem Saap wale, shows a baby cobra retrieved from a residential area near Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, India, 03 August 2018. Hundreds of snakes come out towards the residential area of Bhopal every month due to the humidity and ongoing rainy season. Mohammed Saleem has been serving the society for the last 37 years and has caught thousands of snakes of different types including Cobra, Russell wiper, Python, and red snakes. Saleem also tries to eradicate superstitions and myths associated with snakes by conducting workshops in schools and other public gatherings. 📷 epa-efe / @__sanjeevgupta__ #snakecatcher #saap #snake #snakes #babycobra #residentialarea #cobra #russellwiper #python #redsnakes #humidity #rainyseason #rainyseason☔️ #rainyseasons #monsoon #monsoonseason #monsoon2018 #monsoon☔ #superstitions #myths #bhopal #madhyapradesh #india #epaphotos

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